• This sucks!

    I hate having a cold. It has drained me of all energy. Right now the only thing I can think about is wanting to race the Spoke Pony Race, ride my bike, and be active, but...my body just wants to sit and be still till this sickness leaves. Since yesterday all I have done is blow my nose. It's hard to sleep when you can't breathe out your nose, so I resort to breathing out my mouth which sucks cause this nice film then forms on your grill by morning. Seems like I drank an entire bottle of NyQuil...about 100 proof...the closest I have been to being drunk. It help'd a bit, but still was up on and off during the night.

    So, today, I am going to chill out. Need to run to the shop to pick up my pay check..which should be the highest amount of bling I have seen since September. Then it's off to pick up the Trans-Iowa cue sheets from the printer....a whole $45 dollars worth.

    Got a phone call yesterday from former Europa employee Kris Wilson. He is in Moab. He wanted to know if I, or anyone else, wanted to come out to Moab and "wrench" for Posion Spider. Would be a super cool gig, but I have too much going on here with the race and stuff. Moab is a great place to ride every once in awhile, but I wouldn't want to live there. Just think of it as living on Mars....but with a McDonald's and a crap load of bike shops...and hippies.

    Still looking for a financial sponsor for Trans-Rockies for the Cateye Enduro Team.

    I am proud to say that I do not use steroids. I figure since everyone else is saying they don't, why not me?
