• Green Goo.

    No racing for me this weekend. Over the last few days I have been feeling the on comings of a bit of the sickness, and sure enough this morning it has arrived. My head feels like it's about ready to explode and the green goo is flowing like a fine wine.

    Todays theme song.....HERE.......Crank it up Beeeeatch!

    Training has been right on, so I know that I am not overtrained. This is that stupid head-cold crap that has been going from person...to person...to person....to person. Anywho... the sickness isn't that bad. I can still function like a normal person (well, atleast what I think is normal), but it just doesn't lend itself to racing a bike for 6 hours at a competitive level.

    Not a big deal really. It's only March. I will have plenty of times to race this year. Just going to half to put a delay on the start of the season.

    I was reading the Salsa Cycles blog. The latest post about having cycling in our lives is 100% right on! Who knows what I would be doing, or living, if I never got that Diamonback Sorrento from the shop back home about 10 years ago.

    Time to drink a ton of OJ and rest up.
