• Sweet Singletrack.

    Whoa! I missed a day. Couldn't be because we are swamped at work and also busy with training? Actually I am!

    We have had some rock'n days in the weather department. Lots of wind and over 70 degree days. This has given me a chance to hit up the local singletrack. Both the Greenbelt and GW State Park are primo right now. Way fast, and supp'a hardpacked. On Tuesday I did intervals through the singletrack and some hill repeats. Took awhile for the tech. skillz to start working again, but after about 1/2 hour I was carve'n with style and felt smooth and great. Got a chance to try the Ergon grips off-road. All I can say is...BUTTER! These things are amazing! Too bad someone didn't think of these sooner. The only down fall to the Ergon grips is the weight. But, I will take a weight sacrifice for comfort. And incase you didn't know, these grips are lock-on. No slip slide'n away here.

    Yesterday was the start of Super Sale at the shop. In anticipation of a busy day, I headed out at 6 AM for a singletrack recvery ride. 3 hours of easy spinning on the trails through Greenbelt and the pave trails running through the Metro area. Felt great!

    After the ride I headed into the shop. It was busy! I was there from 10 AM till 8 PM and was never short of work. Yippee!!!! Stood around on my feet all day, that explains why my legs are tired. We also had some interesting weather....tornados, wind, rain. It was the first set of storms of the year. Earlier I mentioned it was like 70 degrees, well the cold front pushed through yesterday after noon, and we had sustained 50 mph winds, and tons of rain. So all that sweet singletrack is now wet [insert sigh here]. Looks like the next few days will be on the road. Speaking of the road. I was going to meet up with John and JY for some hill work this morning at 6 AM, but chose to sleep instead. When I am tired, I sleep, cause I rarely sleep past 6 AM. I will hit up the hills after work tonight.

    It's back to the shop at noon for more organized chaos, and them some riding.

    Have you lay'd down your cash for some Tifosi's yet. Get on it! They rock!

    Oh...Edurado, if you are reading this swing by the shop. I got the GU stuff for Trans-Iowa if there is something you want to taste test. We got tons!!!