• Just stuff.

    Well I have been 27 years old now for about a day and a half. In all honesty, I don't feel any different than I did when I turned 12....or 15.....or 20....or 26. I thought when you turned 27, cool stuff was supposed to happen? Comments Salsa Queen?

    I carnaged HARD on the way to work yesterday. For some reason they graded the roads down to a nice shinny ice surface. The bike went out from under me, and I landed on the bike, then slid away from it. I had to walk about 10 steps back to my bike. I have a nice bump on my right shin from the pedal, and a swollen knee from rail'n the pavement. It was a bit stiff this morning, but it did not effect my training. I wonder if anyone saw it happen?


    Only a cyclist can get excited at X-Mas when they receive a balaclava and lobster mits for presents. Thanks to Grandma for sending these pictures in my b-day card yesterday.

    On the way home from the YMCA this AM, I found the Holy Grail for Trans-Iowa training. It's a secret (Cedar Valley racers can contact me via e-mail for the low-down), and I hope to do a couple hours there tomorrow....if I survive.

    Tonight is roller mania at the House of Pain.

    Time to work on the team kits for the Rasmussen Team out of Des Moines. All I can say is blaze....orange....camo.
