• Epic ride today.

    I had an awesome ride today. And, yes, it hurt like hell. The ride was only 3 hours, but it was all on the trail system in and around Cedar Falls. There was about 4 inches of new powder on top of either old hard packed snow or gravel. The entire ride was like one big climb. The power output was huge. My average HR was near 165.

    I took the Surly out along with the PolarPak 2.0 and did a bit of Trans-Iowa training. The start of the ride was great down to Hudson, but coming back on some of the trail contained with-in the trees had really deep snow, that kept me from pedaling cause I would sink in. So I had about a 1 mile hike-a-bike...or jog... with the Surly on my back. I think I am going to do this workout a few more times before the snow melts. It's a great simulation for soft gravel or nasty headwinds, which will be present at Trans-Iowa.

    Just got word of the Penn Cycle 10 Hour Challenge. Rumor has it that Buck Hill will be no more after they sell the land for housing development....damn urban sprawl. Check out the link for this first and last ultra race to be held at Buck Hill in Minneapolis.....CLICK HERE

    Time to elevate the legs.