• New Year- New Changes

    Guitar Ted here with the first post of the year. Time for a few changes. Seems to be the thing to do about now.

    First, I will not be one of those people that makes a "health" related promise today, only to sink it with a medium sized Brownie Batter Blizzard in the third week of January. Nope! I'm not going to put off that Blizzard for another day! I'll just have to ride my bike more to burn it up. (Dang! I HATE having to ride my bike MORE! wink, wink, nudge, nudge!)

    Second: I WILL do the best job I can for Trans-Iowa race. I am fully committed to this baby, and nuthin' is gonna stop me now. ('cept maybe the recent ice storm, which prevented me from doing course re-con this weekend!) Anywho! I am really excited about this deal, and I can't wait to get working on it!

    Third: I here-by crown "Bear" the reigning musical clue guesser of the year '04! I will now CEASE and DESIST from providing anymore "musical" clues, or references! ( Dream on!)

    Fourth: I promise not to take in anymore lonely, lost, or abandoned bicycles even if they have purple anodized chi-chi's on them. ( Must......RESIST........TEMPTATIONS!!!!!!) My wife will be "pulling" for me on this one! (Oh! Will ya' jest look at 'em! In his wee'ittle boots!) I took in a total of three this year! ahhhhh! the madness!

    Fifth: I plead it!

    Sixth: I'm gonna get my home shop re-stocked with tools before years end! ( Sacked all my tools and took them to work when I started at Europa. I never replaced them! Kinda hard to tweak on the rigs without the right tools at home!)

    Seventh: I will try to return to writing about cycling related tips and not "rant" so much, unless provoked to do said ranting!

    Eighth: I will continue to contemplate a return to racing my mountainbike, but only if all the stars align, and everything falls into the right place. Racing is okay, but I can live without it. ( At least I have for the past 8 years!) I have not ruled out racing again- just not holding my breath, if ya' know what I mean!

    Ninth: I'm going to try to fillet braze my own 29" wheeled mtb frame. Yeah, I know, why bother when you could get a new frame for under 700 bucks. But, hey! Like Patrick O'Grady says: "It may be wrong, but we're gonna do it anyway!".

    Tenth: And finally.....no more "What I Say" at the end of each blog. Change is good! So, look for some changes in '05. Meet the challenges. Don't get too comfy! Try something new this year. And...Most importantly, HAVE FUN!