• Ice + Surly 1x1 + Jeff = Bloody Carnage!!!

    As you all know, we had a major ice storm yesterday. About 1/4 inch of the shiny stuff. Since yesterday was New Years day and the YMCA wasn't open, and because of the ice I couldn't ride outside, I sat on my arse all day. Today, I was NOT going to sit in the apartment all day. I figured I would wait till noon when the YMCA opens then head over and do some bike work.

    Well, 11:30 roll'd around and I geared up in my NEMA gear and did my first attempt to ride down the road. You know when you watch those nature TV shows, and a horse has a baby, it plops out onto the ground and it can barely stand up. Yeah, that was me. My body was contorted into a bunch of different forms that I didn't even know I could do. Maybe I should join the circus? Maybe not.

    Anyway, the first 300 yards were the worst. I fell on my side once. I got up and dropped my tire pressure to about 25 PSI. I got back on and went on my way. I took all the major roads in town...Rainbow Drive, 12th Street, Black Hawk Rd. Traffic was slow, so I could mingle right in. I had a Cedar Falls PD pull up along side of me at a stop light and with a smirk said that I was very daring. Well isn't that nice.

    Needless to say, I made the ride to the YMCA and back a success, providing that I only fell once. I wonder if anyone saw it?

    Tomorrow they are forecasting even more ice. What ever happened to snow?

    Ted, are you rage'n the Karate Monkey to work tomorrow? Studded tires?

    I'm out'a here!