• L.A. A.P. RANT

    It's time to rant!

    Yesterday, Lance Armstrang was named AP Athlete of the Year. And I totally agree! We were listening to Fox Sports Radio at work last night and they couldn't seem to understand how he could win for a 3rd year in a row. In their words...."He just pedals a bike."

    Hmmmm, let's see.....he rode his bike for 20 straight days at race pace averaging about 90 miles a day. What is there not to understand? These people on the radio station thought that Kobe Bryant, Tiger Wood, Kurt Schilling, or even a NASCAR driver should win. WHAT THE CRAP?!?!?!?! One of them did bring up that though of Michael Phelps winning (Olympic swimmer). I would agree with that. What he did was pretty cool.

    Anyway, the radio people thought he won cause he beat cancer.....WRONG! The people that voted for the AP Athlete new what Lance went through, and how HARD it is to accomplish winning a 6th tour. Cheers to them for seeing that. It's too bad that the people that promote sports to the public eye....ESPN, FOX, SPORTS ILLUSTRATED, ETC....don't see that.

    I should have called into the radio station last night and sounded off. I can't believe someone called in pushing a vote for a baseball pitcher...WHAT???!!! The person said they deserve AP Athlete cause they travel all year and lead a busy and stressful life....WHAT THE POOP???!!! A baseball pitcher sits on the bench half the week and pitches maybe once a week. Plus, he doesn't have to watch what he eats, what time he goes to bed, etc. AHHHHHHHHH! Granted, each sport does have its tough times, but have you tried to ride your bike 90 miles a day for 20 straight days at race pace? We all know how hard it is to do 2 days back-to-back at race pace. 'Nuff said!

    Up with protein smoothies. Down with big ass killer tidal waves. I'm go'n to the Y. Out.

    Make sure you check out Marco's Iowa Bike Racing Year in Review. It's a good read.