• I'll do anything! Just let me race!

    Wow! You would not believe the e-mails I have received from racers trying to let them into the Trans-Iowa race. Some have offered me sunglasses. Free entries into their local endurance races. Some have offered to name their kid after me. Some have also offered to pay up to $100 to race. Good Lord!!!!! Maybe if this race goes smooth, and more people want to help run it next year, we will get a larger field. Who would of "thunk" so many nut-jobs wanted to race across Iowa?

    I get to work allllllllll weekend. Since the boss has let me have Tues and Thurs off to train, I get to make up the hours on the weekend. Oh, Joy! Atleast we are in the busy X-Mas season, and there are tons-o-bikes to assemble again. It's good to be busy in December in a bike shop.

    Today is my day off from training. I will commute by bike to work, and that will be it. Tomorrow, I am going to do some speed work outdoors on my new used Surly 1x1 before work. This is a great training tool. I suggest everyone have a single!

    I have to keep today's post short. Time to head to work.