• 1st Organized Ride.

    Last night was the first organized group ride of the year (about 12 riders). And as always, there were all the local fast guys, and some fresh meat. Everyone seemed to be in good spirits. I think it is because the weather has been so amazing....over 70 degrees during the day. The lows at night have been warm also. I have been able to sleep with the window open the last 3 nights.

    Before the group ride at 6 PM I headed out at 3:00 and did some sprints, hill repeats, and the dreaded one legged hill repeats at Look Out Park Hill. No, I do not go up the whole hill one legged, just to the man hole cover which is about half way. I hit the hill at a hella fast 8 mph in the 39x23. It hurts.

    Anywho, The first ride of the year is always interesting. People want to display their new found power and skillz they aquired over the off season. This ride will set the tone for the rest of the year. On the ride I had a few people who I marked with a big "X". John, Super Dave, Mr Reed, Fry, and even JY...who has been riding well.

    Heading West out of town we where ridng pretty easy...19 mph. Everyone was talking and discussing anything and everything. I got my first pull about 3 miles in. I kept it at that speed not to shell any of the new folks off the back. After my pull I headed back, and hung out for another few pulls. My next time up I ramp'd up the speed to 22. Robert Fry was my partner to my left during the pull, and I could hear some heavy breathing. I thought this could be a good chance to unleash something. We came to the first hill, which is a bit steep, and short. I kicked it up to 25 mph and stay comfortable and smooth. I crested the hill, and saw that I split the field in 2. Behind me was the names mentioned above. We continued on in our small field while floating in and around the 27 mph mark. Felt really good. People were taking their pulls and anticipating the up coming sprint to the "stop ahead sign". Super Dave was at the front when I attacked from the back at about 200 yards out. I got away sitting down at 32 mph, and had no chasers. So I guess that means I won the first sprint of the year??? Sweet!

    The last part of the ride sent us through New Hartford and towards the 3 tier hill. This set of hills always has the attacks and major moves. Lucky me it was my pull at the base of the hill. I set the pace at 21 mph and pulled up the first 2 hills. At the base of the 3 hill, Super Dave attacked going by me at almost 26 mph...up hill! The only one on his wheel was Mr Reed. They crested the hill first with a huge gap followed by myself, J. Fry, and John. When I got to the top of the hill, I knew I had to bridge the gap. I threw the chain into the big ring and got on the nose of the saddle and started chasing down Super Dave, and Mr Reed. They were try to get all the way back to CF alone. I got on it, and bridge the 100 yard or so gap at 32 mph. It flet like forever. The pain and lactic acid was insane. But, I made it! The 3 of us ended up staying away for the rest of the ride taking turns pulling at about 25-27 mph.

    Overall, it was a great first ride of the year. There was a new Cat 2 from Florida that meet us when we started, who could not do the ride. But, will be joining us next time. Should be good ride on Thursday. This morning myself and JY are heading out for a 2 hour tempo ride. Looks like it might rain. I hope not. I want to spin the legs out before work.

    Want a good laugh? Click here, and get ready for a belly ache casue you'll laugh so hard.
