• A Theraputic Spin

    Went out with JY for 2 hours of light riding. Nothing hard. Just ride'n along, spinning the legs, and chit chatting. Tomorrow will be another group ride with hard efforts and lots of sweating. This ride starts behind Bike Tech at 6 PM. Be there or be slow!

    The rest of the day will be at the shop for me...Noon to 8 PM. The shop is jump'n. Lots of repairs, and lots of consumers coming in looks for new rides.

    Friday, myself and Guitar Ted have an interview with the W/CF Courier for a story about Trans-Iowa. At 5 PM on that same day all local Trans-Iowa racers that care to join me are invited for the photo shoot. Meet'n at Birdsall Park in CF then heading West out of town to some gravel.

    Got a note from my landlord...my lease is up soon. Bless their hearts, they are going to raise my rent if I stay. Needless to say, I am NOT staying. Looks like I am going to be sharing a place with my sister and her 2 little doggies. Time to start looking. Need to find a place by the end of April, so I can give my 1 month move out notice.

    Off to run some errands and then to work.
