• Just about over.

    No bike time since Wednesday of last week. Finally, I can breathe out of my nose. I think I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Having a cold is boring as all get out. I have done nothing but work...sleep...and eat. I have also been driving my car to work, which is also not cool cause gas is $2.02 a gallon! That is the highest it has even been in Iowa. I think today will be the last day of inactivity just to make sure that the green goo will not re-take up residence in my sinus cavity. Down with boogers!

    Shop was busy both Saturday and Sunday...EXCELLENT! Working at a bike shop in a winter climate area sucks. You are lucky to get 20 hr weeks from November to Mid-Feb. Well, now it is in full force. People are coming in the get bike fixed, and newbies are coming in to scope out their options. It's good to be busy again.

    Found a new link worth checking out. It's for Billy Holmes. He is the head wrench at the NORBA Nationals for Ford-Specialized team. Damn good read!

    Well, time to take care of some business.