• Ouch! That hurts and burns!

    What a ride on Tuesday. I went out at 3:00 with the hardtail and hit the county road with the fatty-boom-batty tires. It was typical September Iowa weather.....91 degrees, 90% humidity, and a 15-25 mph south wind. I started by heading towards Dysart, Iowa, which is 20 miles south of Waterloo. I felt pretty good, since the route is rolling hills, plus figure in the headwind. I made it down with no problems and the return trip was a blast with the tail wind.

    I got back into Cedar Falls around 5:30 and decided to head to the road group ride. There was only like 6 of us that showed, but everyone that was there was fast. We started by heading west on the Time Trial course just west on the UNI campus. The pace was pretty hard: 23 mph. Figure in the cross wind, and the already 50 miles I had on my legs and you have "cooked turkey". Need less to say, I only made it about 10 miles into the group ride. I did my last pull at 25 mph, and next up to pull was Super Dave Kruger. Dave is 50 and Dave is fast as all get out! As I pulled off, he went tothe front and pumped up the pace by about 3 mph hour. I went to the back to sit in, but it didn't last long. I was gritting my teeth, and trying to block out the burn and pain that was over taking my legs but I couldn't. Thanks to Dave, I got shot out the back. I turned around and rode home with my tail hanging between my legs.

    Thanks Dave! Or should I say Super Dave?

    If it stopps raining, I am going to head out on the road for a bit of recovery work. Thursday looks to be a hilly gravel grinder.

    Time to ride. Have you pedaled your bike today?