• 70% Chance of Rain...

    Originally uploaded by kerkovej.

    they weren't kid'n. I think I should have checked out the local radar before I headed out, but oh well.

    I guess I learned one thing while in Whistler, B.C.....Ride in the rain or don't ride at all. I hopped on the moutnain bike this morning and no more than 15 minutes into my easy sub-120 bpm recovery ride, the skies opened up. In no more than 3 minutes I was soaked to the bone. The good thing was that in Iowa during the summer when it rains, you don't freeze like out west in the higher elevations. So, i just sucked it up and finished out the ride. No harm done. Just wet clothes, and weird looks from the folks in their cars.

    Hope there is no rain tomorrow.

    On another note....How about that baseball player that chucked a folding chair into the crowd. What is baseball turning into, the WWF? I think the next time I am having a bad race I will remove my seat and seatpost and go try to stab a spectator.....yeah right!