• Random-onium

    Working at the shop all day Saturday, cause everyone else is jet'n out to the Trek Dealer show in Mad-Town. G-Ted said something about taking the new Fisher 29ers of some sweet jumps. He is also curious as to why they don't make a Trek Sledgehammer. Vote for Pedro.

    UNI is getting up to get down. Let the shop become a made house. Whaaaaaaa!

    T-Shirts for Iowa's 3rd Annual 24 Hr Mountain Bike Race are done. Go'na have to race to see 'em.

    Team kits for the Bike Tech Team are complete. Check 'em out!

    Don't forget! Group mnt bike ride to Camp on Sunday. We are move'n out at 6:30 AM.

    Gas prices blow! $2.50 a gallon. I will never make it to B.C. Looks like I'll have to ride there. Twinkies and Twizzlers are cheaper fuel.

    I see Solo Goat didn't have a good time at the NORBA Snowshoe Marathon. That's OK buddy! You're still go'na haul azz at World's.

    I have visions of Leadville 100 dancing in my head. No. No. No. YES!

    There is new linky on the sidebar of a beverage I recently tried. FRS Plus, is some pretty good stuff. Helps on the recovery side of things plus give you that little extra boost to throw down on the bike. I was running some in my flask on last Tuesday's road group ride. Needless to say, it helped to to stick with the roadies while on the mnt bike. I recommend giving it a whirl. Heck, they have a money back guarentee!

    Time to get some breakfest in my boiler. Then to the shop....and BEYOND!

    Remember... Always pimp the sponsors. Even at breakfast.