• It's a record!

    Tonights indoor ride at the House of Pain set a new PR. There were 15 cyclist who showed up to pound out the toughest workout of the year. We even had one dude get a flat tire on his stationary bike. What's up with that?

    The workout was tough. We did 4 sets of 7 minutes. The 7 minutes were at about 75-80% of your max. During the 7 minutes we would do short 5 second power bursts every 20 seconds. The recovery time between the 7 minutes was 3 minutes. Needless to say, everybody was cooked. And the amount of sufferage on the floor showed the amount of work that went into tonights efforts.

    The rest of the week is supposed to be really warm for Jan.....35 degrees. I hope to get outside for some 3-6 hour road rides on the mnt bike. Nothing lights out, just easy tempo riding. We'll have to see.

    Want another blog to check out? Check out Blue Collar Mountain Bike. It's a bike site by regular cyclists for regular cyclists. Plain and simple!

    Off to rub the legs down. Ahhhhhhh....