• Heat Wave!

    We are in the clutches of mother nature again! Now it's as hot as all get out. Today was nice balmy 31 degrees. Compared to the -18 degree high when I went to the YMCA yesterday it's freak'n hot as crap out. Break out the shorts!

    I finally got to get the Surly 1x1 out again. It feels good to ride again versus driving the car. I rode to YMCA this morning and did a 30 minutes stairmaster warmup. Follow'd that up with 2 hours of my current weight lifting phase, then cool'd down with a 20 minute treadmill walk.

    Right now I am consuming some whole wheat pasta topped with a bit of chicken breast and p-cheese. I just got back from "The House of Pain". We did about 2 hours of roller riding mania. The intervals were tough as always, but then again they are supposed to be hard. Feel the burn!!!!

    Got an e-mail from my Cateye Enduro teammate Sloane. He was wondering if I was up for teaming up with him for Trans-Rockies. HELL YEAH!!!!! Who's pay'n? I'll keep you posted on that. Sloane is also getting ready for the 24 Hours Old Pueblo in late Feb. But then again, who isn't? Seem likes a ton of cold weather folks are heading out for a little fun in the sun.

    Well, time to stretch out a bit and hit the sack. Tomorrow is 2 hours of tempo on the spin bike.

    Oh, I almost forgot! The Dirtram stop in the shop tonight. And he left Whizbang some special Cheeseland Brew.