• The Crap We Ride

    Yep, It's CRAP!

    So, it seems that some of you, ( or SOMEONE- you know who you are!) does not think we are "negative" enough in our reviews. Not everything can be perfect, you say? well here's one for YOU!

    Subject: Planet Bike Super Spot 1 watt LED light. website: www.planet.bike.com Special Features: 1 watt LED technology, Over 30 hours battery life, Quick release battery compartment, "Quick Cam" bracket allows mounting, adjusting, and removing in seconds, and the "Vision Optics Beam". ( more on the "beam" later.)

    I needed a reliable, no fuss, easy to use commuter light. This one seemed to fit the bill. I liked the promise of long battery life, and LED technology sounded good to me, as I,ve read that it is the future of bicycle lighting technology.

    The Good: Battery compartment is slick. Truly easy to obtain access, even while the light is mounted to the bike. No fumbling with a screw driver, and no fasteners to keep track of. Yay! The quick release mounting system was a breeze to use, again- good! The unit came with four AA sized batteries, already installed. Upon mounting it was clear to see that it was a unit ready for anything my commute could throw at it. The mount was solid, and wasn't about to let go of the bike. I have launched other bike lights in the rough stuff in the past. The light; however, was a MAJOR LETDOWN despite all of this. See the following........

    THE BAD!!!! Rememberthe "Vision Optics Beam"? The one with the "specifically engineered to illuminate your path" beam? I say, WHAT BEAM?!!!!! I couldn't believe how poorly this "light" performed! It was barely brighter than the light of the moon. No.....wait.....it wasn't even that bright! Check this out, when I would pass a street light, and the street light was behind me- THE STREET LIGHT WOULD CAST MY SHADOW WHERE THE "BEAM" OF MY LIGHT SHOULD BE!!!! Only if I was away from any light pollution(pitch dark or close to it) could I say that the Super Spot illuminated my path to a decernible degree. I was dumbfounded! I thought that the provided batteries might be to blame. So, I replaced them with some fresh Rayo Vacs. Nope! Still heard a massive sucking sound when I hit the switch! Wow!

    What I Say: DO NOT BUY THIS LIGHT!!! It Blows! No! Wait! IT SUCKS! No!....Its gone from SUCK to BLOW!!!! Whatever! Just do not waste your hard earned cash-ola on this one. I would recommend a Cat Eye OptiCube light, instead. Jeff has one of these, and it's GREAT!

    So, not everything we ride is GREAT! Some of it really is CRAP!