• Merry X-Mas to all enduro freaks!

    Well, this looks to be my last post till I get back on Sunday night. I am heading out tomorrow in the AM for home, then it's off to Grandma's crib over by Sioux Falls, SD. It's going to be 2 to 3 days of just chill'n. Kind of a mid-training season break.....Ahhhhhh, recovery is goooooood.

    Today, I did an endurance cardio workout....3 hours at the YMCA on the Stairmaster of Death. The time on the machine was the toughest. It worked on the mental side of the training. The intensity was at about 15 out of 20. That kept my HR in and around 150-160. That is my 24 hour pace.

    After X-mas, starting in Jan. the bike time will start to take the place of the Stairmaster. Hopefully if the temps raise a bit I can get outside versus having to roller ride till Feb. The highs today are around 6 degrees with a -30 windchill. Next week they are talking 50 degrees. I am hoping to do power workouts in the coming months on the Surly 1x1 on the snow covered trail running through George Wyth State Park. You get about 6-8 inches of snow, and it's like climbing a mountain in the Tour with a single speed!

    Most of my new gear for the 2005 race season should start showing up after X-Mas too. Last year I got 90% of my stuff by Feb. I can't wait to build a new NRS. I am hoping that Hayes will hook us up with the new El Camino disc brake. I have heard nothing but good things.

    Today I get the night shift at the shop again with A. Lo. The X-Mas shoppers are still foaming at the mouth for gifts. Most of out kids bike inventory is wiped out, the same with the good sizes of winter clothing.

    Time to get my clothes out of the Washer.


    Up with Santa. Down with evil elves. Hoping I get what I requested for X-Mas. Out.