• I got "one" in December!

    Damn! I think this is a first for me. The off-spring of Satan is growing off my ass. I am talking about every cyclist favorite saddle sore. Last nights roller ride was sweaty and high paced. I did leg speed work. Leg speed work combined with a room that was heated to a balmy 75 degrees equals prime saddle sore conditions. So, since it's so freak'n cold out....highs of 1 and lows of -8, I am off the bike till next Monday. I need to let this "thing" heal. I wonder if I should name this one? Ideas?

    Ok, I bet you want to know that....didn't you?

    Today I continued with my MS weight lifting phase. Felt really good...minus the painful commute because of the "sore". Tomorrow, I am going to do some long stairmaster work. This will be my last workout till I get back on Monday from the X-mas festivities. I will have 3 days off to recover and get ready for the next phases in the training block.

    My HR monitor went to "shitz". For some reason, only half the screen is visible. Good thing it's still under warranty. For those of you keeping track, it's a Polar S210....nothing but the finest in HR reading electronics. Right Carlos?

    I finally received all the entry fee funds from Trans-Iowa registration. After Christmas I am going to purchase all the needed supplies to make this race/sufferfest a go. Over X-Mas Guitar Ted is going to go and do some re-con work up by Decorah. Rumor has it, that he is in search of the Holy Grail, or was it singletrack...either way both will be cool if he finds it.

    Ok, I need to prep for work. We are still in the pre-X-Mas madness. Most consumers coming into the shop now are ravenous and in a hurry.

    Up with Cream Saver yogurt. Down with cotton workout clothes. People that suffer at the YMCA are cool. Out.