• Still enjoying the off-season

    Yep, still enjoying the off-season. Been riding when I want....and where I want. Today, I rode up Rist Canyon...and then back down. Round trip from the house was a quick and cool 3 hours. I took the helmet cam along and filmed the entire 15 minute descent back down to Fort Collins. Here is about 10 minutes of it...

    Infinit Nutrition
    In other news, I received a sample of Infinit Nutrition sport drink mixture at 24 Hours of Moab from the CEO himself. I have heard of the brand from many athletes....and Pua preaches to me about how good it is. The idea is that it is 100% custom. You control the flavor and nutritional value of your mixture based on your sport. Athletes that I have talked to say that the Infinit mixture has taken away the need for solid food on the bike. I like that, as I tend to have stomach issues at high altitude with solids. So, the testing continues. Today was the first ride with it....and I am still alive. After I polish off the entire bag I will give a final report.