• Some days you have it....

    ....Some days you don't. I didn't have it today. Ugh!

    Todays was to be a carbon copy of last Saturdays workout, which consisted of hill intervals. I woke up, ate, and headed out the door. Heading down the road, my legs felt sluggish. Not a big deal. Just pedal the 60 minutes down to Carter Lake and Pole Hill Rd, and shake the legs out. Well, the legs never really got better.

    I did one interval and did just about everything in the book to try to keep the effort hard. The legs were not having it. I did the one half-ass interval.....and then pedaled home. Even the 60 minute ride home was rough going. It was almost like I was bonking....but I wasn't. Hopefully, I am not coming down with a cold or other sickness.

    I am going to use the rest of the day for rest and recovery. Hopefully, I can get back on it tomorrow. Provided we don't get the insane amounts of snow that is being forecasted.