• "Delightfully Tacky"

    Up at 5:00 AM.
    Drink coffee.
    Eat some oatmeal.
    Fill up bottle and hydration pack.
    Stuff pockets with Power Gels, $3, and Camp trail pass.
    Out the door at 5:40.
    Get to Bike Tech.
    Nobody else shows.
    Stick around till 6:10 AM.
    Decide to ride 7 miles up to Camp on gravel.
    Arrive at Camp at 6:40.
    Bidwell is there.
    We ride.
    It was slick.
    Ice, ice, baby.
    New bike rocks.
    Conti Speedking tires in moist conditions do not.
    Rob shows...but we never see him.
    Was he lost in the woods?
    I get done and ride back towards the 'Loo.
    Ended up bumping into John, Mike, and Craig.
    Decide to follow them on their 40 mile gravel grinder.
    Ride into Denver, IA.
    I need nutrition.
    I buy a 69¢ can of Coke.
    High fructose corn syrup and caramel coloring rock!!!!
    Gulp, gulp, gulp.
    Feel like a million dollars.
    We continue East then South.
    Mike gets a flat.
    Mike changes flat.
    We continue South to the 'Loo.
    It was warm....88 degrees, 93% humidity.
    Swamp-Ass conditions: EXTREME
    Roll back into town around 11:30 AM.
    6ish hours of saddle time.
    Legs feel good.
    Train hard.
    Rest harder.