• Breck Prep.

    Final spin around the park after the TT effort.

    Today's bike time was specific for the Breckenridge Firecracker 50. As a Midwesterner there is only so much prep you can do for an event that circles twice a 25 mile course at 10,000 feet above sea level. So, I am going back on my prep that I did for this in '03. This includes 50 mile TT efforts on the mountain bike with full knobbies on the road. There was a lot of cyclist out today. Most of them there going the opposite direction I was, but when I turned North to head towards Dike I saw a cyclist coming my way. I turned the corner to head North and kept at my TT pace. About 3 miles down the road this rider caught me. It was none other than F**king Clint. He was out raging to is big hair band tunes. He came up on me and said he knew it had to be me since he was having a hard time catching me. We continued to Dike were we split up to go our own separate ways....Clint wanted an enjoyable ride....not a death march. I continues on into the head wind North of Dike. After that it was back towards Cedar Falls for a 1 hour spin around the park to cool down.

    Tomorrow will be more saddle time. Long slow distance. Big group is rolling up to Camp Ingawanis to enjoy some trail time. For me, I am going to take that time to dial the new Rotwild.