• The Wind is the Puppet Master...Master...Master

    Holy crap! Did you get out in this wind today? I hope it is not like this for Trans-Iowa or there will be bleeding out every human port hole. So I saw that it was going to be windy today. And in that sick and twisted endurance racer mindset, I waited for it to get windy so I could go train in it. The wind is out of the South, so it is nice and warm today...75 degrees. I headed 20 miles North on the road bike cruzing down the road at 29 mph with little effort. Once I got far enough North, I turned around for the TT of doom.

    Now it was just me 20 and change of flat, treeless, open road. The wind was right in my grill. Coming at me at like 25 mph...SUSTAINED!!! The funny thing is that 15 minutes into the TT, my MP3 player started playing Master of Puppets by Metallica. This song fit perfect...the wind was controling me. Throwing me all over the road, and trying to put me in the ditch. I gutted it out. It hurt like hell. I was cruzing down the road, trying to spin an efficient gear, but only going like 16 mph. That was all I had. The wind was insane, and I could not go any faster. Thanks God that ride is done.

    After I got back into town I hit up Look Out Park Hill for some normal hill repeats, and one legged hill repeats. This was the first time all year, that the hill was easier to ride than the open road. After about 20 hits on the hill, I just spun around the park taking in the greenery, and fab weather we are having.

    Last night was the photo shoot for the W/CF Courier story on Trans-Iowa. Should be a good write up. Both the photographer and interviewer where actually interested in the story. Good to know they are as passionate about their work as we are about bikes. Look for the story to be printed early next week...like Tue or Wed.

    Carl got himself a new sweet ride. We already have the Salsa Queen in town. Now we have the Salsa King. See it here.

    Tomorrow is a 7 AM road ride. Starts behind Bike Tech. Come one. Come all.
