• Whipped.

    Got a great ride in today. No camera on the ride cause I was there to train, NOT take pictures. Anyway, It was just me and JY for 3 hours of road fun. He was on his road bike, and I needed to really suffer, so I showed on the NRS. We did the Shell Rock Loop of Doom. We had great weather...mid 50's, bright blue skies, and a light N wind at about 8 mph. JY was riding easy...I think...cause he is racing tomorrow. Me, I was running about 165 average HR and was dig'n to keepthe mnt bike with full on knobby's run'n at 22 mph. Our ride was like 3 hours. I did 1 hour of sprints and hills before I meet him, and then another hour of single track after I rode JY home. So I got in 5 hours of high intensity riding.


    After the ride I got home and cooked up some whole wheat pasta with chicken breast and sprinkled on some parm. cheese and olive oil. Mmmmmm, de-lish.

    Head to the shop to change out a $10 bill, then washed the car, to get off all the winter grime when I finished eating. Good to see a nice shinny black Mazda P5 again. When I was at the shop the guys said that Guitar Ted broke into the Trans-Iowa GU swag and headed up north to ride the Trans-Iowa route from Cresco to Decorah. He is Hardcore. Hope to hear a good story or 2 from him on that.

    Tomorrow is an AM ride then the day at the shop to sell off the remaining stock for Super Sale. I will be glad when it is over. It's nothing but one big freak'n zoo. Anyone up for a 7:30 AM ride on Sunday morning?


    My so-pro tan lines are coming along just fine. After today, I got the sock tan line going again. Sweet! Notice the extensive pile of cycling magazines. I gotta keep up to date on the new gear, and who is winning what races.

    Time to rest.

    Oh, do forget to set your clocks ahead when you hit the sack tonight.