• ViVa La 29er!


    Ok, this is way off topic from the normal stuff that I spew on this blog, but I can't help but be drawn to the whole 29er mnt bike revolution. My co-worker, Guitar Ted, has one and swears by it. Nat Ross and Cameron Chambers both race on one...plus a handfull of others. Plus, the largest, most viewed board in the MTBR Forums is the 29er thread. I WANT ONE! The one that really catches my eye is the Surly Karate Monkey in black, singlespeed, and rigid. Not only does it have a cool name, but it's a good fool proof design that just plain works...as does everything from the fine folks at Surly. From what everyone says, this is the way to go. Don't get me wrong, I am not going to dump my Giant's, cause I LOVE THEM. But it sure would be sweet to get some offroad time on one. I wonder if Surly has a demo program....hint, hint, hint.

    Rant off.