• Let's get this go'n again.

    It's a new day. Time to start over. Yesterday was a day off from the shop that was supposed to be atleast 6 hours....but turned into about 1 hour. Today, I am at the shop for the long haul. Sunday, I will get in my hours. Seems like the weather the last few weeks has been keeping the riding pretty shady...no consistency. The good news is that starting on Sunday, Sunday, Sunday the highs are to be above 50 degrees. SWEET! I am going to spend every waking, non-working hour out on the bike. I need to start getting in 3-6 hour rides daily. Another item of note, is the fact I have yet to touch singletrack this year. Everything is way muddy or covered in horse dung. I need to get out and work on those skillz. Looks like my first race of the year will be a good kick in the teeth with 300 miles of fun in Trans-Iowa. Got word from Guitar Ted that the right # plates are here....they are yellow. So the folks of Iowa should have no problem seeing you/us coming. I hope the shop is busy today, cause otherwise it will be l-o-n-g. The Super Sale flyers are out and people are now waiting till next week for the sale before they spend their hard earn'd money.

    Have a good Easter. Keep the Peeps and Choc. Bunnies out of your pie hole. Out.

    Don't get confused. They look so similar.

    POOP VS. peep1