• Bad weather = Bad ride

    Somebody must not want me to ride my bike too much. Maybe it's fate, and it is for the better of me and my season.

    Well, anyway, I got about 10 miles north of town and it began to rain. I got wet....then cold....then really cold. I said "Screw It!" Turned around and came home and sat in the ultra hot shower for what seemed like 2 hours.

    So my plan for big hours and miles turned into about 1 hour worth of riding and a core body temp of what felt like 3 degrees. Damn! So...hopefully I can get some time on the saddle on Sunday. It's supposed to be way hot....like 50 degrees!!!

    On a scale of 1 to 5 steamy piles of poop (1 being the worst) todays ride earns 1 heaping pile of poo...