• Hope'n to go.

    My legs felt better than I thought this AM after I crawled out of bed. Yesterday, was tough on the legs, but my choice of food and ways of recovery was right on, cause I was feel'n great. So before work I rode out to GW State Park on the road bike and did 2 hours of sub 120 hr spinning. I kept the leg speed way high and managed to keep the speed at 20 mph. All this while expending no effort...YIPEE!!! My plan is to get in some long hours and miles tomorrow. I have the day off from the shop, so we'll see if I can get the ride in. The evil weather man is forcasting highs in the upper 30's and 2-3 inches of the white crap to fall. NOT GOOD! So, I am holding my breath and hoping for the best. The good news is that next weeks highs are to be in the low 60's and lows above freezing. Time to work on that so-pro biker tan next week.
