• My Tuesday

    Had a great training day. Got up at 7:00 AM drank some black-goodness. Slammed down a banana and then singlespeeded to the YMCA.

    At the YMCA I started with a 45 min stairmaster warm up followed by my weight lifting routine for this time of year. Do forget. The next most important muscles to work, other than you legs, are your back and abs. For my abs I do 3 sets of 100 with a 35 lb plate stuck to my chest. For my back, I do back crunchs at 210 lbs on that one machine...don't remember the name of it. Maybe the back crunch machine?

    After the YMCA it was back home to eat, line up some stuff for Trans-Iowa, then to Europa. After the long hours at Europa (yeah right!) I singlespeeded to the House of Pain for the roller work out. It was tough as always. Lots of sweating, heavy breathing, burning, and thoughts of Krispy Kremes. Mmmmmm, Doooooonuts. All in all it was 2 hours of very structured roller time.

    Now I am sitting here typing this while eating a plate of pasta and chicken breast drizzled in olive oil and lightly covered in that white cheese that starts with a "P" and ends in an "N".

    After I get done shoveling this food into my grill I am going to read the 2005 Velonews Buyers Guide which came snail mail today. Nothing like looking at bling-bling bikes that I will never ever afford.

    I wonder how Sloane's legs feel?
