• Just about recovered.

    Well, I am just about ready to start training again. I have been riding very easy for the last few days. No rides longer that 1.5 hours. Legs feel pretty good, they just burn a bit when you start to push a big gear, or climb a hill. Other than that, the only things that are still a bit sore or raw are my sit bones, and the palms of my hands. I figure I will take it easy for a few more days than try to rage again at the Tuesday night road group ride....on my mnt bike of course.

    Looks like I have 2 more endurance races for 2004. I plan on hit'n up the 12 hour race in Franklin, WI which is part of the WEMS series, and then after that it's off to the 24 Hour of Moab. We'll just have to see how my "funds" hold up for the next few months.

    Time to get ready for work. I hope everybody is enjoying the "Nude Dude" from World's. I wonder how his "bits" are holding up?

    Keep on Rage'n!