• It's a sad day.

    It's a very sad day. Why? Because it's the last day of summer.......Tear. Only about 2 more months till the frozen tundra takes over the midwest, and we don't see green grass again till April. Oh well. We'll survive.

    Yesterday, I went out for a 50 mile road ride on the "other bike." The "other bike" is my road bike. I don't talk about the road too much, cause the road is the devil. It's the passage to the dark side. The world would be a happier place if everybody had a serving of single track to go with their servings of fruits and vegetables. The ride yesterday was tough. I was by myself, and there was like a 25 mph south wind. My ride started with 25 miles of wind at my back, then 25 miles of wind in my grill. I was close to 30 mph with the wind at my back, but coming back I was havng a hard time keeping it at 19 mph. It hurt. It was good climbing simulation, since we have no hills in this state.

    This morning, I walked to the shop from my apartment.....YES, I walked. It's like 5 miles, and it took me 1.5 hours. I got to the shop and did some work on my NRS Air which has been hang'n out since World's. I clean'd it some more and gave it some love. After that, I rode the bike back to the apartment, and eat some grub. Now, I am just hang'n out till I go out and ride around before the group ride. I think tonight I might show up on my "other bike." Cause, if Super Dave shows up, we are all in a world of hurt. No, No, No, Don't Hurt Us Dave!!!!

    Stay posted.