• I'm sing'n in the rain.....I'm sing'n in the rain.

    Actually it's more like, I'm gasping in the rain......I'm gasping in the rain. I took the mountain bike out tonight, and raged for 3 hours in the pouring rain......by myself. I got off work and it was raining, so I said "Ah what the heck." I hopped on the bike and head'd out of town. It was raining and it was super windy. The rain was just beating off my face. A semi would come by in the other lane and it was like someone was throwing rocks at me. I went as hard as I could. I am now cooked! I hope I can recover by tomorrow morning. I am not do to work till 3:00, so that means high quality saddle time.

    The Moab trip is starting to take shape. Scott C., you want to go??? E-mail me or look for an e-mail soon.

    Well, i am going to contiue to eat my rice and black beans. Yes, I said rice and black beans. It has everything you need....Carbs, protein, and fiber. Then it's off to bed so i can get back up tomorrow and ride.