• Just Chill'n

    Recovery is good, but boring. I have been off the bikes now for 2 days, doing nothing but eating, sleeping, and working. I can tell my body is in recovery mode, cause I am hungry, and eating everything in sight. The way it looks now, I might hop back on the road bike for a short spin to get the blood moving again on Wensday. As for my back.......it feels pretty good. It appears to have been a pulled muscle and nothing major. Thanks to Phylis Stevenson, R.N. for hooking me up with the stretching and recovery drills to get me back on track. Back on track? No pun intended. I suppose now I need to put a sticker on my top tube that says "Sponsored by Phylis" next to the one that says "Sponsored by Mark"

    Oh yeah, the Stevenson's are keeping me race'n! Thanks guys!

    The other down fall to the race this last weekend is the one lonely saddle sore. I normally don't make a big deal about saddle sores, but this one has a mind of its own. It's such a pain in the arse, that we at Europa Cycle and Ski have named it. Its name is Hang'n Chad. We'll just leave it at that. I can't waste any more time writing about a sore on my butt. Let you imagination run wild!

    Ok, that's it. I am out. I just gave out way too much information!