• POM Yo!

    It's go fast juice. Well, actually it's POM. What is POM you ask? Well, it's pure juice from the pomegranate. This is the tops when it comes to a natural source of antioxidants. In otherwords...if your muscles hurt, and you want to help repair body tissue...this is the item to get in your belly. Just check out the stats...
    I first got a taste of POM while watching Mark Hendershot take a shot of this stuff after every lap at a 12 hour race in Wisconsin this past summer. My pit crew was stunned, cause they didn't know what it was. Well, now we do. And I know the power this little bottle has.

    Right now I use POM after my workouts. I come home and take a glass fill it with half POM and half OJ. Mmmmmmm, fruity.

    I invite you to look into this product. You can find it at pretty much any food store in the fresh fruit and veggie section. If you want some more info, check out the POM website.