• Here we go again...

    As I type this, the radio is saying that we are supposed to get the following: rain, sleet, snow, sleet, rain. And yes, it that order. Could make for some epic bike rides here in the next few days.

    Got a ton of feed back on the Irwins-Toyota team kits that I posted a few days ago via e-mail and this blog. It appears a lot of people dig the look. I am pretty happy with it. I just hope that it doesn't change too much.

    Speaking of team kits, the Discovery Team had its official press launch yesterday. The public got their first look at the new rides and kits that Lance and the boys will be rage'n in this year. It's also cool to see an Iowa boy making it to the big show. Go, Jason, Go!!

    Today I started my next phase of training. I can't wait for Spring. I want to get out and attempt to lay wood to the other local riders. Who knows, maybe I might get the wood lay'd to me. It seems that everyone is working pretty hard this off season. We'll just have to wait and see.

    That's all. Time to work on the Irwin boy's kit.