• The Crap We Ride

    Originally uploaded by kerkovej.

    Time for some more kick-ass product reviews. I totally dig the Craft base layers. They come in a variety of colors (white, grey, black) and styles (sleeveless, short sleeve, tank). They also offer base layers for specific temp. ranges.

    I own about 7 of these...one for everyday of the week. Whenever I work out or ride, I am wearing one of the Craft base layers. Wick, wick, wick, wick.......

    They help to keep you cool when the temps rise, and warm you up when the temp drops. The coolest thing about these layers is the way they wick moisture. I have wore'n these layers on 100 degree days and actually stay dryer than if I was to just wear a plain jersey.

    I'll bet'cha the Dirtram gives these a "Hell yeah!"

    COOL FEATURES: Great fit on and off the bike, wick moisture, soft feel, Craft quality, assorted colors and styles

    NOT SO COOL FEATURES: $32 and more depending on material!

    Check out CRAFT for more info.