• Your Crazy!

    I don't think I am crazy, but the guy that came up to me in the locker room at the YMCA thinks I am. He couldn't understand why anyone would want to ride their bike outside when its 17 degrees. I thought to myself.....that's why he sits behind a desk pushing a pen all year at work, and I get to travel the country during the summer riding and racing my bike......To each their own.

    Guitar Ted had a great rant today. Me, I am a 175 kind of guy. My newly acquired Surly has 180's.

    I felt super awesome at the YMCA today. Weights went smooth, and my 45 min stairmaster warmup felt like only 15 minutes. I am going to have to try to start fitting in more bike here in the next month. I might have to start taking the super long route to work to get in more miles. It sure would be nice to be in Arizona or somewhere else warm to go out and log some miles.

    Right now, I am enjoying some steamed green beans and fish, topped with a dash of lemon herb.........make sure you go back and read that in a Martha Stewart voice, it will sound better.

    OK, I am out. Nothing else to blog about.

    Up with fish. Down with processes beef. Hoping my NRS Air shows soon. Out.