• Iowa's White Crust...

    Happy Tuesday.

    Went to the YMCA this morning at 8:00. It was a bit nippy.......18 degrees. But it was a great ride. The entire landscape was covered in a nice white crust from the frost last night. It looked pretty cool. By commuting, I was able to take notice of this obscure beauty in Iowa. As I rode to the YMCA all these people were out scraping their windows.....I bet they didn't like the frost.

    At the YMCA I did some cardio again. I did the infamous 2 hour Stairmaster death march. Felt really good, and the heart rate was well in control. There are 3 TV's in the front of the Cardio Room at the "Y". At 9:45 Lance Armstong was on Regis and Kelly. I listened to Lance answer questions that only Americans would ask a pro bike racer......Are there bike races in the USA?......How long are your training rides? 2 Hours?......Are there other races in Europe besides the Tour? These questions were funny. It just goes to show how much of a clue Americans have when it comes to cycling.

    Now I am writing this blog while eating rice and fish with my newly acquired skill......using chopsticks. Good times!
