• Intense

    This post will be brief, as I am out the door to catch a flight to Seattle for the Seattle Bike Expo.  Because of the expo....and the 5 days of no bike....the workouts have been running together.  Monday is normally a day off.  Not this week, the intervals and intensity keep rolling through until today.  My only fitness on this trip will be some core work and a gym spin bike at the hotel.

    Poudre CanyonYesterday was windy as all get out! Roughly a 25mph breeze blowing out of the north. I took my 3 hour tempo to the canyon. It worked out well...and kept the wind burn to a minimum. It was a great day to be out there! Temps in the mid-50F's made for an enjoyable day.

    Today (Wednesday) is another story....cue the A.D.D. Colorado weather.  I had 3 x 20 min 300ish watt intervals to get done before this flight.  High temps near 40F are not that bad.  What made it bad was about 5 miles north of town, the skies let loose with a soaking mix of rain, snow, sleet, and grapple.  A first for me....experiencing all of Colorado's precipitation forms in one ride.  Temps in the 40F's....a bike speed of 25 mph....and wet clothes made for a chilly ride.  I got it done, but it sucked...and I have a road bike that need a damn good cleaning.

    DSCF0369Time for a recovery beverage....and now off to Seattle.  Above beverage is a mix of: water, FRS, orange juice, and a glutamine supplement.