• Some effort goes about 4.3 miles.

    Last nights group ride was tiny. Not sure why. Could have been from the heat (90 degrees), or it could be because of other at-home obligations. I am betting that it is because most people were still a bit cooked from Tuesday nights throw down. Anyway.....Craig, Steve, Kevin, Doug, and myself left from BT at 6 PM to get in some intensity. My whole goal was to get in one good attack and hope to "stick it." Well, it worked. Check out the map for the play-by-play.

    After we regrouped...we headed back into town. Most of us were cooked, granted the ride was not that long. For me, my day on the bike started at 4 PM with some specific bike drills. So, I got what I needed out of all the turning of the cranks.

    Now it's Friday. Will find out today if I am to do a "cannonball run" with the FJ from LA to IA.

    Last must read item....
    We all drive. We pretty much all ride bicycles. Anyone of us could have been the cyclist's or the driver in this situation. Got'a make sure we keep things safe out there. Most interesting thing is the car vs. cyclist debate in the comment section of this story.