• Sketchy.

    Weather is a bit on the sketchy side today to get my outdoor training ride in. Hopefully, things will go on hold for long enough to saddle up for my workout. It's a waiting game at the moment. Really won't have to worry about the temps, cause as I type this at 7 AM it's already 55 degrees. Forecast is to get into the mid 60's! Who in the Midwest is complaining? Not me.

    Don't forget to get those postcards in for Trans-Iowa V.III. We announced registration on Saturday, and G-Ted and myself think we will see a few cards show up today. It's going to be very entertaining to see what people send in....and how many they send in. Stay tuned, as the entertaining postcards will be posted for all to see.

    Anyone recommend a good dentist in Waterloo/Cedar Falls?

    Today's interesting fact: We had over 1300 hits on the Trans-Iowa site yesterday! Those hits came from all over the World.

    Today's random event fact: Boris has done it again! A 7 day mnt bike stage race From Sept. 16-22 in Utah. If it is anything like his other events it's sure to be HUGE!!!

    Finally, there are some changes coming. Stay tuned. Wink, wink.

    UPDATE 2:24 PM: Got out for 2 hours to do my workout on the bike. Super warm! Did the ride in shorts, jersey and arm warmers. Wahoo!