• 2007 Cannondale F29: My 2¢

    So today was the day. My first ever off-road ride on a 29er. To this day, I had only ridden a 29er in the parking lot and listen to Guitar Ted preach the gospel will standing next to him at work. Well, the stars were aligned right, cause our local Cannondale rep got the new F29 in our hands. I am not sure how to go about reviewing this bike. Actually, I don't think I am going to review it, but rather give some thoughts. I have not had enough time on a 29er to give a true and honest review. I leave that to the experts.

    I took the bike out for a hair over 2 hours today. I was not sure what to expect...since the only bikes I have ridden were 26ers and full suspension. Once I mounted the bike I noticed one thing right away....the upright riding position. The fit was very efficient, but I felt like I was sitting upright in a chair. Was this a bad thing? No, cause it did not effect the handling of the bike or my power transfer. This fit seemed ideal for endurance touring such as an all day ride with friends carrying a pack full of gear. Can you say ideal Trans-Iowa bike!

    The most jaw-dropping thing that was a huge difference from my 26ers was how small the bike made dips, rocks, roots, and technical trails feel. Everything was A LOT easier to ride/roll thru. The other highlight...riding thru sand! It's like it wasn't even there I was blown away!

    The bike I rode today was stock. So what I rode today is what every consumer will ride. The bike comes in at 29lbs, but doesn't feel like it. The bike is snappy with accelerations and hard efforts. I did notice that the bike felt slow while in cruising speed. I had the impression that I had a flat rear tire or riding thru mud. After talking with Guitar Ted he stated it was the tires. I believe him since he has had time on just about every 29er tire out there.

    So overall this bike rides great. I am not sure if I am a 29er guy or not. 2 hours is not enough time to tell, but I am sure this bike has its right usage. The part spec is OK, and easy to upgrade if needed. I would stay tuned to Guitar Ted and what he has to say.

    And now....a video of the ride (5 min)
    while riding one handed and with a broken finger. Sweet.