• Let The Testing Begin.

    OK, mission accomplished. First day of intensity, and I got "worked". My scheduled workout session kicked my butt, then followed that up with the YMCA spin class that drug me under a semi and backed over me a dozen times. You know that feeling and what i am talking about. Anyway, I am trying the Recover Ease today. I took it right after the spin class just like the directions say. Now it's a waiting game to see/feel the results.


    I just got done slamming down some egg whites topped with whole wheat pasta, olive oil, and p-cheese. Mmmmmm. Delicious. Everything you need....nothing you don't.

    Time for a little nap before heading to the shop. Speaking of the shop, have you been in there lately? New paint, lots of new road rockets, plus some other changes you just have to see to believe.