• A bit warm out.

    We are in the grasp of a massive heat wave. The days since I left South Dakota have been nothing but 90 plus degrees with about the same humidity. Plus in the later hours of the day we are getting some crazy thunder storms. All the local rivers are flooded over. I went out this morning for my first bit of bike time since the race, and all the bridges I passed over looked like they were sitting right on top of the river. Better yet, today we are to reach almost 100 degrees. Oh joy!

    The shop is nucking futs. Everything is out of control. We are behind. We are short staffed. Anyone need a job? So today, I will go in early....AGAIN. Need to get things in order and keep people happy.

    Not much else going on. Bike time for the rest of the week will be sub 2 hour rides at a very easy pace. Looking to get a good ride in on the 4th. Not sure what I am going to do yet. Road ride? Mnt Bike ride? Anyone local have any ideas?

    Next race is the 12 Hours of Winter on July 9th. After that it is the 24 Hours of 9 Mile at the end of July. All these races to get ready for one big race...WORLD'S!

    My teammate, Sloane, raced the Cream Puff 100 this past weekend. Check out his BLOG for his recap. He was having an awesome race till a minor mechanical problem. That is just how it goes sometimes. Bummer!

    I promise no more chamois cream application pictures. I swear!