• They call him Super Dave.

    Well, I did the road group ride on the NRS. WOW! I was red-line'n most of the ride, trying to bridge gaps and stay away from the group behind me. There was about 12 of us again.

    The ride left from behind Bike Tech. We headed out of town to the North towards Finchford. The ride was pretty mellow till we hit the hill coming into town fromt he South. Super Dave, launched an attack which proved to be the killer. A bit about Super Dave...he is 50ish, fast, sleek, and very experienced. He was racing bikes when I was still in diapers. To this day, he is still the guy to watch out for.

    He lanched an attack up the wee little hill into Finchford, and just kept going. Everyone else sat up. Why? I don't know. I figure if I didn't get on it, he would get away. He turned the corner headed East and just kept going...and going...and going. I went after him crank'n downt he road at 25 mph and was making no progress. The next person behind me was Fry. He caught me like 3 minutes later. He was fly'n too. I couldn't latch on, as he went flying by...I could hear him breathing. So on the road it was Super Dave....then Fry...then me...then the 7 others. This is how it was all the way to Janesville. It wasn't until about 3 miles from the Waterloo Airport, that Reed and Stone finally caught me. I was riding by myself for almost 8 miles at 25 mph trying to catch Fry and Super Dave, but it never happened and I never saw them the rest of the night. Just for SoloGoat, I attacked Reed and Stone to the last stop sign...on the shoulder. I got away, but Stone caught up and I could'nt turn it over fast enough to keep up.

    Over all it was a sufferfest. I was running like 173 HR for most of the ride. My average speed for the night was 23 mph. Yep, the legs are going to hurt tomorrow. I look and feel like death hung-over.


    Tomorrow is an interview and photo shoot for the Trans-Iowa story. Time to rest up and read the new issue of VeloNews that came snail mail today.

    News on the rumor mill is FOX forks have been shipped. Sweet! That makes the suffering tonight all that much more sweeter.