• World's Wrap-up.....finally!

    Well, I am back. Sorry, but I had problems in Canada trying to do the audio blog, so here is a wrap up of the trip and race.

    Myself and my pit crew of one, my Mom, left Monday morning and made the drive to Whsitler in 2 days. We made it to about Butte, MT on the first day and slept at a rest stop along I-90. My Mom slept in the car, and I slept under a picnic shelter in my sleeping bag. After sleeping for about 5 hours we hopped back in the car and drove the rest of the way to Whsitler. We arrived on Tuesday evening at about 5:00 p.m. local time. Note to all people ever planning on driving to Whistler.....The traffic in Seattle and Vancouver sucks!!!!! Why would anyone live in Seattle when there is 4 lanes of traffic going each way, and it's bumper to bumper at a whopping 25 mph? In Vancouver, the traffic isn't as bad, but the road signs are about the size of a cereal box....try reading that at 55 mph. Oh well, we made it, and that is all that counts.

    I had two days to chill out in Whistler before the race. It was typical NW weather.....drizzle, rain, 50 degrees, etc, etc. Both days I took one easy lap on the race course checking out the technical sections. I rode with Twin Cities riders Scott Cave (elite racer) and Chuck Jacobs (wrench). Scott was here last year, so I just followed him to get a feel for the course. This course rocks! The only other course that I have ridden that I can compare it to is Snowshoe, WV. Lots of rocks, roots, and long steep climbs. The course start/finish is located about mid-mountain. The course starts by screaming down hill to the bottom of the mountain (lots-o-speed, about 30 plus mph!). After you get to the bottom there is a river crossing followed by gravel double track to the next climb. After the climb you get your first taste of Whsitler single track. This was fun...lots of rocks! After the single track it was more rolling double track. Next up was a section of single track with tons on roots and rocks. This was the stuff you see in the magazines! Out of the single track was was more double track and easy single track. Next up was first big climb. It was long steep and rocky. It was about like the Manhandler climb at Afton Alps, but about 4 times as long, and you had to pick a line through the rocks. Once to the top, you screamed downhill to the start of the Solo Worlds loop. This started with a long climb again! Just like Afton's Manhandler....grass, steep, and looooong! Once to the top you got to descend through the nasty single track. There were lots of roots, rocks, and large drop offs. Out of the single track it was fire road back to the start/finish. Lap length for the Solo World riders were right around 11 miles or so.

    I went into this race with a few goals.....8th place or better, don't kill my body, don't kill my bike, and don't kill anyone else. I was the 35 rider called to the start line out of like 178. I had a good spot for the run. The gun went off at noon and the fun began! I was in the top 1/4 when I got to my bike. The first few laps were pretty fast, but not crazy fast. I just kept a good consistant pace. There were a ton of guys that went nutz off the start and it came back to haunt them later on.

    It only took 4 laps for Chris Eatough and Adreas Heastler to lap me......A. Heastler ended up dropping out about 30 min. later. It wasn't till later that Tinker and the other big names caught up. When I was ca ught by Tinker and Nat Ross, we were about 9 hours into the race. When they caught me, I hopped on the train and sucked wheel. I hung with them for about 40 min. through the single track. I was felt good riding with them and the pace was comfortable. It wasn't until we got to the first big climb that I realized my problem for this race. They dropped me like a bad habit! There was NO way that I was going to be able to climb at that pace and survive to the ended. So I just kept my pace for the rest of the race. I didn't worry about different riders pasing me. I just went as hard as I could to be consistant and make sure that I had enough juice to finish

    Each lap I stopped for Hammer products and hydration. My pit stops were in the 15-20 second range, with one 15 min stop at night for Ramen and a change of clothes. Other than that, I kept moving forward.

    In the long run I ended up 12th overall in the Elite category. Not to shaby. I am ready for next year, I just need to work on the climbing aspect of the race, cause that is what doomed me in the end. Most of the guys that beat me, didn't out race me.......they out climbed me! Everything work perfect. I didn't have one bike or equipment problem. I lubed the chain once during the whole race and that was it!.

    Thanks to everyone for the help!
    - Mom for the pit help and gas in the car.....vaaaroooooom!
    - Rick (Sloanne's wrench) for switching batteries every lap
    - Cateye and sponsors for the gear!!
    - Eldon at Meyer's Bike Shop in Algona, Iowa for entry fee help
    - All of you that donated funds ove the website.....you know who you are!

    I will be back next year......and I will be on the podium!

    Look for pictures in the coming days and more updates from the race.