• What I did today.

    5:30 AM: fell out of bed and quickly crawl'd to the coffee machine

    5:30-6:30 AM: surf'd the net and drank an entire pot of the black goodness

    6:30-6:45 AM: pack'd up the car with the Giant XtC hardtail and cycling gear and headed off to Sugarbottom Rec. Area down by Iowa City

    7:30 AM: arrived at Sugarbottom, changed, applied mucho amounts of chamois butter, hopped on bike

    7:50 AM-12:45 PM: Turned out laps on the 10 mile course as fast as I possibly could, and still be able to physically drive the car home. I think I did 7 laps, but whose keeping track.

    12:45-2:15: Changed clothes and drove home.

    2:15: Unpacked

    2:30: took a cold shower....it's hot in Iowa today....85 degrees

    Now: Enjoying chicken breast and nuked potato, while typing this blog.