• Top 10 signs your recovery ride was a success!

    10. You left in your 39 x 23, and returned home in your 39 x 23.
    9. The ride was alittle over 1 hour.
    8. Your average speed was lower than the average wind speed.
    7. Your average heartrate was a whopping 118 bpm.
    6. You get passed by the local "FRED", and he thinks that all his training is finally paying off.
    5. That little old lady on the motorized cart passes you like your standing still.
    4. You could wear that same cycling clothing again tomorrow (not that I am going to......Grooooossss!)
    3. The hardest thing you did during the ride was changing a friends flat tire (Yes, Megan, I am talking about you!)
    2. You have no urge to raid the kitchen for food.
    1. Your saddle sores hurt worse than when you left, and why are they all red now?